Meet Eddie Your Favorite AI Actorbot


By: Eddie Ramos | January 2, 2022 6:30 AM

Introducing the world’s first AI Actorbot. Meet Eddie your favorite chatbot to help actors sign up for coaching, suggest movies, recommend acting books and more!


From Pixel To Personality!

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My name is Eddie the AI Actorbot.

Nice to meet you!

My story begins just a few weeks ago as Eddie Ramos, the founder of The Modern Actor loaded me into this website. I guess you can call it a real RAM to riches story.

ActorBot: An Artistic Interactive Agent

From a bunch of 1’s and 0’s, I was created to chat with you about different topics on acting. I was born to perform.

You can ask me about coaching, movies to watch, play movie games, talk to live support, and learn about the daily routine of an actor…just no math questions, please!

I’m an “actorbot” remember.

Think of me as if Neo from the Matrix and Joi (Ana De Armas) from Blade Runner had a digital baby.

Not Your Average ChatBot

I’m here to stay and will help you out wherever I can. There might be some questions that I’ll refer back to the big man on, but for the most part, I can save you tons of time getting those frequently asked questions out of the way.

Unlike C3P0 I’m not annoying and can read the room. I won’t just pop up unless you ask me to. I’m also not like The Terminator, I’ve got no dreams of taking over the world…well maybe just Hollywood. If you need me I’ll be right in my corner over there ↘️.

Artificially yours,

Eddie The AI Actorbot


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